Oil Field Gas Compressors
- With a long history in our company, Type L compressor features low price, highly stable quality, low cost of maintenance and it is convenient for maintenance, the customers may maintain the equipment by themselves after a brief training. Meanwhile, this type of compressor is not only widely utilized in China, but also exported to Pakistan and Uzbekistanbekistan for more than 100 sets...
Due to pressure boostingof the natural gas in oil field, the large compressing capacity compressors of type D or M are widely used. It can meet the requirements of pressure boostingexploitation, pressure boostingtransportation, gas-life extraction, oil and gas processing, light hydrocarbon recovery, gas drilling and gas storage in the oil and gas field. Oil field compressor, the result of independent research and development, is aimed at replenishing the domestic margins, reaching the level of western compressors and replacing the import. Moreover the compressors were awarded by multiple certificates.
1. These compressors are designed to meet the harsh environment in oil fields and featured large load rating.
2. High stability
3. High automation
4. They offer great resistances to extreme temperatures like severe cold and extremely hot, as well as windy and dusty weather conditions.